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For those of you in the Sacramento area, you might know the name Steve Buzzard, and if you don’t, well you’re going to want to change that ASAP because this dude is the bees knees!! He has his own podcast called Experience The Buzz, where he highlights small businesses and entrepreneurs in the Sacramento community, as well as discusses sports and other fun topics! He does an amazing job at promoting smaller businesses, trying to get their names out there and help stimulate growth. I have been fortunate enough to know Mr. Buzzard since I was 8 years old, so I reached out to him to see if he would be open to having PowerLux Fitness as a podcast guest. And of course, without hesitation, he was immediately down for it because he’s such a homie! The podcast goes over my background and how I ended up creating PowerLux Fitness, then moves into where we are at now with our new strength and conditioning facility, introduces Spencer, aka the “dude in the YouTube videos”, and wraps up with how Spencer and I have been able to grow the company since opening our location and how we are continuing to expand our reach. You get an inside look at all things PowerLux, learning the behind the scenes of what it took to begin this company, how important decisions were made like selecting the business name, gym location, etc., what it’s like training with us here at PowerLux Fitness, and what separates us from other fitness facilities. This might sound a little biased, but we think it’s a great episode! Hopefully after listening, you’ll be saying that you want to train at PowerLux Fitness too! To listen, click the link below, click the image above, or listen on any podcast streaming service! Enjoy!

Click here for podcast link!